dimanche 12 octobre 2014

Some Internet Marketing Terminology explained.........What is email marketing?

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is one of the best ways - if done correctly - to keep existing visitors coming back and to market your offers directly to their inboxes. All you need to do is send the people who opt-in an email on a regular basis with links that will earn you money. The people that will receive your emails have given their permission, so it is permission-based email marketing and for this reason is not categorized as spam. Predictions are that in 2012 some 400 billion emails will enter inboxes every day. As much as 75% to 80% are spam or unwanted emails.

To sell a product, you sell yourself first. People have to like the sales person that is sitting on the other side of the customers’ desk, otherwise the customer will not order. This is the same in IM: with email marketing you have a change to build a relationship with your customers. Give them good content, or interesting freebies and they will start to like you, giving you a better chance of selling to them. Lead generation is huge on the internet.

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